About Your Sinks And Plumbers in Alexandria VA

by | Dec 22, 2017 | Plumbing

Plumbers in Alexandria, VA know all about keeping sinks up and running. There seem to be far too many homeowners who don’t exactly treat their sinks the right way. When sinks are neglected, problems develop. Some people end up dealing with chronic sink issues because of the way they use their sinks.

Abusing Chemical Cleaners

One thing that plumbers in Alexandria, VA know about is that there are too many people who abuse drain cleaners. Whenever a person notices a slow or clogged drain, they might run out to a store to purchase a chemical cleaner. Unfortunately, they might be doing more damage than good. Drain cleaners have strong chemicals in them that can actually eat away at some types of plumbing.

Cleaning Traps

A sink’s trap is easy for a person to locate if they want to take on the task of cleaning it themselves. Some homeowners don’t like to do deal with sink traps. When a sink’s trap is clogged, the offending material can be smelly. Some people just find it disgusting to deal with. If a person is removing a trap, they have to remember to have a bucket to catch all of the water that will come out of the pipes. Once the trap is cleaned, the sink should work like normal.

What If It Isn’t The Trap?

Not all sink issues are caused by clogged traps. In some cases, the problem is deeper down in the pipes. There are cheap augers that are sold at hardware stores that can help remove offending material inside of pipes. As with cleaning traps, the job can be messy and time-consuming. Some homeowners find it just easier to hire a plumber to get to the bottom of things. Also, improper use of augers can actually expose pipes to damage in some cases.

It’s true that homeowners can take care of some of the sink issues that they face. However, some individuals just can’t be bothered with dealing with plumbing tasks. They don’t mind calling Business Name instead of trying to troubleshoot things themselves. Plumbers also have access to cameras that can inspect the pipes connected to sinks.

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