Attorneys Help Renters Assert Their Tenants’ Rights in Chicago

by | Jun 23, 2017 | Attorneys

Families rent housing when they either cannot afford to purchase a house or because they made a decision to take advantage of the flexibility that renting provides. Despite the fact that tenants do not own the property where they live, they do have rights that the owner must respect. For example, tenants have the right to privacy in their homes. They also have the right to use the property under the terms of their lease. Tenants who violate their lease may be evicted, but the property owner must file this action with the court; they can not simply change the locks to a tenant’s unit. If this happens, a family should get in touch with a lawyer who helps clients assert their tenants’ rights in Chicago right away.

Although unfair evictions are one of the most common problems that lead tenants to law firms, there are other situations that could happen to tenants while renting housing in Chicago. When a landlord does not ensure the housing they rent is safe, an attorney might be able to help. While a tenant is responsible to adhere to the terms of their rental lease, the landlord has obligations as well. Landlords need to provide certain things to tenants, and if they don’t, a tenant may be able to pay their rent to the courts to be kept in escrow until the property owner makes necessary repairs or provides the services required by law. For example, landlords are required to provide a means for their tenants to heat their rental units.

If a tenant doesn’t feel like they are being treated fairly by their landlord, they should contact an attorney such as Starr, Bejgiert, Zink & Rowells right away to ensure their personal rights are protected. Families that follow the rules of their lease and pay their rent on time deserve a safe place to live. When a landlord accepts rent payments, they have an obligation to provide their tenants with basic services. If tenants ask for these services and don’t get them, an attorney might be able to help them assert their rights to fair housing in and around the city of Chicago.

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