Can My Landlord Do That?

by | Jun 30, 2017 | Law

If you are in a dispute with your landlord, an Oakland wrongful eviction lawyer can answer that question, letting you know whether your landlord is attempting a prohibited action.  After all, if you are like most tenants, you are not really an expert in landlord-tenant law.  You signed your lease, you have tried your best to adhere to its conditions, and you trust that your landlord will follow all applicable rules and laws and respect that lease.  In most cases, that is exactly what happens.  However, in areas like Oakland, where rent-control impacts the type of rents that a landlord can charge tenants, you may find yourself facing a questionable eviction.  In those instances, you need the help of an Oakland wrongful eviction lawyer, like those at Elke & Merchant, LLP.

How can a wrongful eviction lawyer help you?  Well, a tenant’s rights lawyer takes steps to ensure that your rights are protected.  Sometimes all you need is to have someone explain your rights you, while, at other times, you may need a lawyer to help you fight an eviction or to challenge a landlord after being wrongfully evicted.  For example, the law allows landlords to evict tenants if the landlord or a relative will be occupying the property; but in the San Francisco area, up to one-quarter of all owner-move-in evictions are bogus.  A wrongful eviction attorney can force your attorney to follow all applicable state and local laws and rules in the eviction process, which ensures that you have the opportunity to challenge the eviction.  A wrongful eviction attorney can also bring action against a landlord who committed a wrongful eviction.   Wrongful eviction actions can result in huge judgments for wrongfully evicted tenants, and can even bring relief to subsequent tenants, who may be entitled to lower rent, depending on the circumstances of the previous tenant’s wrongful eviction.

If you have questions about whether your landlord is engaging in prohibited behavior, the tenant law experts at “Company Name” would be happy to answer those questions.

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