Does Your Dog Need to Be Seen at the Veterinarian Hospital in Bowie?

by | Sep 26, 2017 | Pets

Most dog owners do all they can to protect the health of their furry friend and keep them healthy and happy. Unfortunately, health issues can begin to arise and cause concern. It is important a dog owner is able to recognize the symptoms that should alert them to take their dog to the veterinarian hospital in Bowie.

Serious Symptoms Should Not Be Ignored

Regardless of age, a dog can become seriously ill. Thankfully, there are some symptoms an owner can look for so they will know when to take their dog to the Veterinarian Hospital in Bowie. Prompt medical care can mean the difference between life and death.

1. Labored breathing is a symptom that should never be ignored because it could mean a life-threatening illness is present. Serious viruses and even pneumonia can affect the lungs, so it is important the dog is properly diagnosed and treated.

2. If a dog’s eyes become cloudy or red, it is important the owner seeks immediate medical attention since this could indicate infection or something even more serious. Protecting a dog’s vision is important for their health.

3. When a dog is becoming less active than normal and seems to be in pain when moving, the owner needs to take their dog to the vet to determine the cause. If a dog is getting older in age, this could be arthritis. Younger dogs could be experiencing an injury.

4. Appetite changes, accompanied by weight gain or loss should be checked by a vet. Changes in appetite are typically one of the first symptoms an owner will notice when their dog is not feeling well.

5. Changes in bowel habits can be a sign of sickness or disease. Diarrhea is especially serious since it can lead to dehydration and death. Should an owner see their dog has bloody diarrhea, an immediate appointment needs to be sought.

Call Today For an Appointment

If your dog is experiencing any of the above symptoms, prompt medical attention is important. For further information on these services, visit website. They will provide your dog with the medical care they are in need of so their health will be protected.

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