How an Accident Lawyer in Tucson, Arizona Can Be of Help

by | Apr 28, 2017 | Lawyers

When people are hurt in any kind of accident, they usually end up filing a lawsuit for personal injury. In particular, these lawsuits are filed if the injuries are severe and keep the victim out of work for a period of time. They want to be compensated for the time lost at work, and any medical bills they might have incurred. When such things occur, victims will want to consult with the expertise of a personal injury lawyer. An accident lawyer in Tucson, Arizona helps clients who are involved in different kinds of accidents. These are some things the injured parties need to keep in mind.

The first thing any accident victim who intends to file a lawsuit in Arizona should be aware of is the statute of limitations to get the lawsuit filed. In Arizona, that is two years from the date of the accident. If the lawsuit is not filed in an Arizona civil court in that time frame, any opportunity to have the case heard will be gone, and the injured party will not be able to collect any damages from the accident.

In Arizona, a rule called ‘pure comparative fault’ rule is applied. This means that if the other party can prove that the injured party was partly responsible for the accident, any damages that will be received will be reduced by the percentage the injured party is found at fault. This can be a pretty grim outcome for the injured party if the other party is able to prove the injured party shares the blame. That is why it is so important to hire an attorney who is experienced at handling such cases.

The law offices of Price & Price have been providing legal solutions for clients in the Tucson, Arizona area since 1979. The areas of law practiced center on personal injury cases such as dog bites, automobile accidents, wrongful death, and slips and falls. If the accidents happen to be automobile accidents, the lawyers can help the clients understand their rights, and walk them through every step of the process. Anyone in need of an accident lawyer in Tucson, Arizona, can find help with these attorneys.

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