How to Convert Visitors into Customers

by | Nov 15, 2017 | Business

There is, sadly, a wide gap between being a popular website and a profitable one. Just because your site is getting a lot of traffic, doesn’t mean those people are actually buying whatever it is that you’re selling. If you are looking into SEO in West Palm Beach, you’re probably wondering at the same time how to convert visitors into customers. Luckily, there are a few easy steps you can take.

#1. Live chat
In this day and age, people like things to be done efficiently, and most of all, immediately. This includes customer service. Including a live chat tells visitors that any question they have will be immediately addressed. This way, those questions or concerns won’t convince the visitor to leave before becoming a customer, for lack of any way to have those questions alleviated. Simply providing a person to talk to can turn a surprisingly large number of visitors into customers.

#2. Offer something free
If you’re running your site on a subscription service, like an online game or news site, you could benefit greatly from giving away certain content for free. Give your visitors a chance to test the waters, taste test before ordering the entire dish. Unless you’re specifically aiming for appealing to gambling addicts, your visitors are unlikely to bet their money on something they have no guarantee will be worth it. If the content you offer doesn’t work like that, offer a free trial instead, to get the same result.

#3. Ask for feedback and input
This shows your visitors one thing: that you are willing to learn. You are confident enough in your product to ask for feedback and critique. This will make a percent of your visitors more likely to stay on, to see if you do in fact improve. And you should, otherwise that percentage will shrink incredibly fast. Customer trust is only easy to win once, and getting it back is always an uphill battle.

Converting visitors into customers isn’t as hard as it may seem from the outset, once you know how to go about it. Remember these tricks, and you’ll find your popular site will quickly turn into a profitable one as well.

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