What Should Homeowners Know About Carpenter Bee Control in Pittsburgh?

by | Oct 13, 2017 | pest control

Carpenter bees are a pest that can cause damage to a home. Not only do they cause damage, but they also attract woodpeckers that cause further damage. If a homeowner suspects they may have a carpenter bee problem, they need to seek the professionals for Carpenter Bee Control in Pittsburgh.

What are the Signs of a Carpenter Bee Problem?

It is imperative homeowners are able to recognize the signs they have a carpenter bee problem so they will know when to call in the professionals for treatment. The following are the most common signs these pests are wreaking havoc on a home:

  *    Carpenter bees can be aggressive, especially if they feel they are being threatened. These bees may dart at a person and make them feel under attack. While males rarely sting, females might, if they feel threatened.

  *    Carpenter bees leave behind perfectly round holes in unpainted and unfinished wood surfaces. These holes are tunnels that have been bored into the wood to create a safe place for the young. The bees do not consume the wood; they simply create the tunnels.

  *    When a large carpenter bee population is present, a homeowner may be able to hear the bees making chewing sounds in their wood. If these sounds are heard, this means the bees are present in large numbers and need to be removed.

  *    Homeowners may notice piles of sawdust near the holes in their wood. If this sign is noticed, a homeowner needs to call in a professional for Carpenter Bee Control in Pittsburgh so further wood damage does not occur.

How Are Carpenter Bees Removed?

When a home has a problem with carpenter bees, a pest control specialist must first be called in to identify the insect. Pest control specialists will need to treat the adults with materials they will then feed to their offspring so the entire population will be destroyed. They will then put down residual treatments to prevent a reinfestation.

If you are in need of professional bee removal services and would like to learn more, visit the website. The-Beeman will help you be rid of your bee problem, so your home is safe.

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