When Sunburns Require Urgent Care in Maui

by | Sep 4, 2017 | Health Care

Hawaii is known for its sunshine and beautiful beaches. It is an amazing place to live and visit. It is hard to imagine anything could go wrong in paradise, but there are occasions when not every weekend or vacation goes as planned. A common problem, especially for travelers, is sunburn. Most are just a small discomfort that fades within a day or two. Unfortunately, some require medical attention. Here is when to decide if a visit to a doctor is warranted.

Skin Conditions to Watch

Some burns are severe enough for blisters to develop. A few small blisters are not a reason for serious alarm. Get medical attention quickly from a facility that offers Urgent Care in Maui if the blisters are large, on the face or seem infected. If a rash develops or the skin is uncomfortably itchy it is also a good idea to seek help.

Signs of Potential Heat Stroke

Sometimes the exposure to the sun is less serious than the heat the person has experienced. Symptoms like nausea, vomiting and headache mean heatstroke is a possibility. Finding Urgent Care in Maui will ensure the individual receives proper hydration and is cooled down sufficiently to prevent any serious complication. If the person has any of these signs and loses consciousness it is important to avoid any delays and immediately call emergency services.

Watch for Unusual Reactions

The inflammatory response of the body as it tries to heal after a sunburn can lead to edema. Extremely swollen feet and legs are a sign of severe edema and should not be ignored. The same fluid buildup could also affect the lungs as well. Eye pain when looking at the light or when moving the eyes could mean they also received too much sunshine. Make certain to have the eyes checked to prevent any vision damage.

People with sunburns should avoid any sunlight to prevent worsening their condition. Ibuprofen helps to relieve some of the pain and reduce swelling. Cool baths and wet wash clothes provide relief as well. Increase water consumption for the first 24 hours to combat dehydration and visit Domain for directions and hours if any of the concerns listed above are present. You can also visit them on Facebook.

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