3 Healthy Oral Hygiene Habits to Teach Your Child

by | Oct 17, 2022 | Dental Services

Dental health is a component of overall health, and good habits are key to maintaining clean, healthy teeth. Most children are ready to start brushing their own teeth around six. Although every child develops differently, many six-year-olds have the gross motor skills required to operate a toothbrush and the maturity to understand the importance of brushing. If you have a child who’s ready to brush on their own, here are three healthy habits they should learn, according to kids dentists in Yorba Linda.

Healthy Oral Hygiene Habits to Teach Your Child

1. Brush for Two Minutes

The American Dental Association recommends brushing one’s teeth for a minimum duration of two minutes. This can seem like a long time for children, who aren’t known for their long attention spans. To make sure your child is spending an adequate amount of time brushing their teeth, try introducing a timer or a special toothbrushing song to help them stay on track.

2. Brush Twice a Day

The ADA also recommends brushing at least twice a day to keep cavities at bay. For children, incorporate brushing into their daily morning and bedtime routines so they can develop this habit early.

3. Spit

Very small children may have difficulty remembering to spit rather than ingest their toothpaste. To help them develop this habit, always supervise and encourage your child to spit into the sink at the end of their two-minute brushing session. It’s also helpful to model these desired habits by letting your child watch you brush your own teeth.

Book An Appointment

Once good habits are established, the next step is to visit the kids’ dentist in Yorba Linda. If your child is ready for their yearly check-up, reach out to Kids Dental Specialists.

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