Discover the Benefits That a Breast Reduction Can Offer

by | Sep 1, 2015 | Cosmetology

Breast reduction surgery can give you a new lease on life

Large breasts may look good in magazines and on movie screens, however, for many large chested women, they are a thing of discomfort and constant body aches. Thousands of women all over the world are displeased by their well-endowed status. They are plagued with a variety of ailments and challenges like:

* Aching backs
* Neck and shoulder pain
* The difficulty of finding tops that fit properly
* Unwanted stares and comments
* Difficulty sleeping due to discomfort

Luckily there is a solution. Breast reduction surgery in Chicago and all over the world has been giving large breasted women renewed outlooks, healthier attitudes and pain-free lifestyles. These women find that having the surgery is well-worth the minimal healing process and time that the surgery will take.

What is breast reduction surgery?

Breast reduction surgery, or reduction mammoplasty as it is more technically known as, is the process of reducing the size of a woman’s breasts by removing glandular tissue, fat and excess skin. In certain situations, this procedure can be completed simply by using liposuction technology and sucking the fat from the body with a handheld medical device. However, this is only possible where the breasts are large as a result of fat, and only if no skin needs to be removed or tightened.

The most common form of reduction surgery requires a board certified plastic surgeon to make a large incision around the areola (or exterior nipple) down towards that abdomen and underneath the breast. Depending on breast size, some women may only require a vertical incision. Some scaring is to be expected.

What about larger or sagging breast?

For women with extremely large or sagging breasts, oftentimes the surgeon overseeing the procedure will need to remove the nipple completely. Afterwards, some of the tissue and skin will be removed and the breast will be lifted and the nipple grafted back on. Since the breasts will sit higher up on the body, they will appear more natural and youthful.  Some patients complain of nerve damage, loss of sensitivity and an inability to breastfeed after having the surgery.

The average breast reduction surgery takes up to four hours to complete and is performed under general anesthesia, by a board certified plastic surgeon. After the surgery is completed, the patient will be fitted with a supportive undergarment and instructed on the best after-care.

Dr. Michael Horn at The Michael Horn Center for Cosmetic Surgery in Chicago has been providing breast augmentation and breast reduction in Chicago for many years. For contact information, reviews and more, find our website online. Case scenarios are available.

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