3 Tips to Creating a Trusted Brand Identity

by | May 18, 2017 | Business

He said, she said.” The internet is a lot like living in a town where everyone knows you.

It’s a place that makes your past hard to erase. This can mean the difference between a flourishing or a failing business. When it comes to customers and your brand, you can’t change the past but you can change their perception by using online reputation management solutions.

Generate Online Buzz

Get them talking, but for the right reasons. Instead of customers raging about poor experiences, have them raving about your amazing prices and services. Take time to brainstorm some new and refreshing online reputation management solutions and incentives to bring to the table that your customers can’t resist.

Use Public Platforms

Power creates influence. Public relations use to be the only way to reach a broad audience, but with social media running rampant, there’s now a quick and affordable alternative to reach people. Ideally, you can use your platform of choice to redeem your brand by promoting your business in a positive light.

Eavesdrop on the Web

With websites like Google Reviews and Yelp, all it takes are a few complaints to tarnish your reputation. One of the most effective online reputation management solutions would be to drown out the negativity. You can do this by responding to poor reviews with a concerned approach of helping your unhappy customers and further encouraging all of your satisfied customers to leave positive reviews.

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