5 Positive Effects of Paddleboarding on Your Health

by | Jun 8, 2017 | Sports And Games

Global warming, economic downturns, hair loss–there are plenty of things that are pretty much beyond your control. If you’re tired, stressed and worried, taking some time off to relax and unwind is a good policy. Take in a bit of time in the water and have fun going on paddleboarding tours in Charleston SC. You’ll improve your health in a number of ways:

Better balance

Paddleboarding helps you improve your balance. You’ll learn how to focus on your core muscles so you can get better balance while you’re on the board. If you’re a bit of a klutz and find yourself tripping over your own foot half the time, this should be a big help to you.

Full-body workout

Unlike other types of workouts, wherein only your arms or legs get some action, paddleboarding require the use of the muscles in your arms, shoulders, back and legs along with your midsection. That means a full body workout that’s guaranteed to get you in shape if you do it regularly.

Low impact exercise

The best thing about taking paddleboarding tours in Charleston SC is the fact that these are low impact exercises. If you’ve never tried any sort of workout before, you won’t have to worry about hurting your back or ending up with a grave and serious injury with this one. It’s a good bit of exercise for athletes with knee or hip pain as well, says HealthFitnessRevolution.


There’s nothing like the feel of spending time in the water while the hot and sticky clutch of the weather makes you sweat. Paddleboarding relieves your stress and puts you in the perfect mood to relax.

Greater endurance

You’ll learn to depend more on your core muscles than your arms. That’s going to improve your endurance so you won’t find yourself out of breath when going up the stairs or walking for a few blocks anymore.

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