How A Personal Injury Attorney Can Help

by | Mar 3, 2017 | Law

If you are injured and you believe someone else is at fault you have two options; you can try and handle the situation yourself and resolve it to your satisfaction or you can hire an experienced Joliet personal injury attorney. You might think that settling a claim yourself takes little more than submitting an insurance claim for damages; a seasoned attorney can improve the chances of your getting a far better settlement.

The law is complex, personal injury claims can be very complicated, even more so when there are multiple parties involved such as a multiple car accident. As potential claim amounts increase, things become even more complicated due to strong resistance from insurance companies. A personal injury lawyer is a must in the event your injuries are severe and they require extensive long-term care or worse, are the cause of a permanent disability.

There are a few areas in which the skills and experience of a Joliet personal injury attorney can prove to be invaluable:


An attorney knows what evidence is needed to support your case and he or she knows how to find it. Once the evidence is in place you can expect the attorney to write a demand letter to the insurance company, the letter lays out the case including the impact it had on you and specify the amount of compensation based on the facts and supported by the evidence.

With an in-depth knowledge of Illinois law as well as the strategies often employed by insurance companies, your attorney will attempt to negotiate a fair settlement.


In the event the case cannot be settled through negotiations with the insurance company, your Joliet personal injury attorney will not hesitate to take the case to a judge and jury in state or federal court.

If you believe you suffered injury due to negligence on the part of another person you should consider hiring a Joliet personal injury attorney and suing for proper compensation. For a free case evaluation you are invited to contact the Shea Law Group. Follow us on twitter.

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