How Root Canal Therapy Can Help Save an Infected Tooth

by | Jul 13, 2018 | Dentist

Have you been experiencing excruciating tooth pain and facial swelling? Perhaps, you are unable to eat or drink due to tooth sensitivity. If so, you should immediately consult a dentist to have your mouth examined. A dentist can inspect your teeth to determine the problem and find a solution to your unbearable pain. Often tooth pain is caused by bacteria that has made its way into the center of a tooth and infected the root. In cases such as this, the solution can be found with a root canal filling in Saskatoon to remove the infection without risking the chance of losing the tooth.

What the Treatment Consists Of

During a root canal filling in Saskatoon area, a dentist will apply local anesthesia to the affected area to numb the tooth. Once the area is numb, they will drill into the tooth opening the top of the incisor. This will allow them to remove the pulp from the root of the tooth that is diseased. The area is then filed to shape the inside of the tooth and cleaned to remove any bacteria that may still be in the affected tooth. When dried, the tooth is filled with a material to prevent bacteria growing inside of the infected tooth again. Once the tooth has healed in a few weeks the dentist will place a permanent crown on top of the incisor. This minimizes the risk of losing the tooth due to an infection and eliminates the pain that is experienced.

Aftercare Following the Procedure

Once a root canal has been completed it is important to follow up with your dentist. In addition to routine brushing and flossing of your teeth to prevent bacteria making its way back into the tooth. At Acadia Dental, their dental team offers the services required to remove bacteria from the root of a tooth and how to care for the incisor afterwards. Consult with them today to learn more on how they can help solve your dental problem.

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