Tips for Preparing for a Building Inspection

by | Jun 22, 2018 | Construction and Maintenance

Whether you are interested in purchasing a commercial building or your company is selling, you won’t get far without the help of a Bedford, NH commercial building inspector. These inspectors offer their expertise to give you a full scope of a property’s value, as well as identifying any issues. But how do you prepare for a building inspector’s visit? Review the following tips to give yourself an idea of what the except.

  • Understand what an inspector will do. Inspectors have a long list of items to review in their inspections, and since laws vary from state to state, these items are not always the same across the board. Do a bit of research to find out the points an inspector will hit for your state.

  • Clear out clutter and debris for hard to access spots. If you’re expecting a building inspector, your building should generally be organized anyway, but the inspector will need to look at all those nooks and crannies. Make sure to clear out any cluttered access points, such as stairs to a basement or attic, so the inspector will not have a difficult time accessing these points.

  • Understand your price point. You may not be able to afford an entire top-to-bottom commercial building inspection all at once. If this is the case, make sure your building inspector can work with you. Some inspectors can offer partial services, like an inspection of the exterior to begin with, while creating a plan to continue the inspection in the future. Be clear about any financial limitations you or your company may have.

These are just a few tips to help Bedford, NH residents prepare for a commercial building inspection. Do plenty of research so that you know what to expect, and take your time selecting a building inspector, so that the inspection process goes as smoothly as possible.

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