When You Need AC Replacement in Clayton OH

by | Sep 3, 2013 | Heating& Air Conditioning

Crazy weather in Ohio during recent years has seen scorching summer temperatures and high humidity levels. Air conditioning is no longer a luxury but a necessity. However, many Ohioans are reluctant to replace an old air conditioner or central air conditioning unit. Here is how to tell when AC Replacement Clayton OH is unavoidable.


According to the United States government, all air conditioners over 10 years old need to be replaced. Older air conditioners just cannot perform at peak efficiency as newer air conditioners. If your air conditioner is over 20 years old, it will give out sooner rather than later. It can be difficult to find HVAC professionals that are familiar enough with very old air conditioners, so repairing an old one may be out of the question.

Sharp Increase in Energy Bills

If your energy bills are skyrocketing, this could mean that your air conditioner needs to use more energy in order to work properly. This problem will not go away on its own. Unless the air conditioner is replaced, the energy bills will continue to grow. A new air conditioner will wind up paying for itself in lower energy bills.

Uneven Cooling or Humidity Levels

This is important for central air systems. Your home should be evenly cooled and have low humidity levels. It is normal for basements to be a few degrees cooler than the rest of the home. Upper floors may be a few degrees warmer, since heat rises. Your home should not be freezing in one room and sweltering in another.

Strange Noises

It’s normal for an air conditioner to make some strange noises when you turn it on for the first time in spring. However, the noises should go away in a few minutes or a few hours. If it’s been days and you still hear strange noises like banging, hissing, clanking or gurgling, then it’s time to call a HVAC professional and consider getting a new air conditioner.

Repair Costs are Getting Out of Hand

Do you frequently need to call your HVAC company to fix your air conditioner? These repair bills can soon exceed the cost of a new air conditioner. Old air conditioners that need constant attention will get worse over time.

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