2 Components to Focus on to Reduce Risks of Needlestick Injuries in the USA

by | Jan 11, 2022 | Health

Do you manage a private surgical practice and are growing increasingly concerned about the rise in needlestick injuries amongst your staff? Are you concerned that your practice will fall out of compliance, exposing you to risks of liability and penalties? Are you now in the process of updating your facility’s exposure control plan but are unsure how or where to start? If you answered yes, then here are two components of this particular act to focus on to help ensure employee safety while meeting regulatory compliance standards.

New Technologies

One vital component to focus on when it comes to complying with this particular health care act is the consideration and implementation of new technologies. This means utilizing the latest in medical safety devices to lower exposure to risks of needlestick injuries from occurring.

Employee and Staff Input

Another component to focus on to help ensure employee safety while meeting regulatory compliance standards is the requirement for employee and staff input. Your practice will be required to solicit input in regards to appropriate engineering controls to help ensure the safety and efficacy of your updated exposure control plan.

Effective Safety Products That Meet Compliance

Perhaps you are now searching for a company you can trust that offers new technologies that support the Needlestick Safety Act. Visit SharpFluidics.com. They offer highly effective safety devices to help ensure employee safety and compliance. So, when searching for a reliable company to acquire the best safety devices in the market to comply with the Needlestick Safety Act, they are the ones to visit. Visit Sharp Fluidics for more details.

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