3 Reasons You Should Hire a Probate Attorney in Fayetteville GA

by | Jan 31, 2022 | Law

When a loved one dies, settling their estate involves going through the probate process. This is a process that requires liquidating assets to pay off the individual’s final debts and taxes. A probate lawyer in Fayetteville, GA, can assist the executor in seeing this process through to its conclusion. Along the way, the lawyer can also provide other essential services.

Protect Against Claims

When an individual dies, there may be claims made against the estate. These are usually claims made by other people rather than the typical debts pursued by legitimate creditors. In these situations, a lawyer can help protect the estate against these claims, ensuring the assets are protected for the individual’s beneficiaries and heirs.

Shorten Probate

The executor is usually a close family member or friend, which means they aren’t likely to be trained in the probate process. A lawyer can be hired to work with the individual to ensure they handle financial and legal issues properly. That legal assistance will reduce the number of errors that would otherwise extend the time it takes to complete the probate process.

Settle Family Disputes

If family members are unsatisfied with the terms of the will, this can lead to legal conflicts. A probate lawyer in Fayetteville, GA, can consult with family members to settle disputes before they lead to lengthy court proceedings. If a family member isn’t likely to win a dispute, an experienced attorney may be able to dissuade them from wasting time and money with a frivolous lawsuit. You can learn more about the probate process when you schedule a consultation with RS Johnson Legal, PC by visiting Sitename.

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