3 Things to Know About Stink Bugs in Marlboro, NJ

by | Jun 25, 2018 | pest control

On any given day, a wide variety of insects are enjoying their time in your backyard. Some are planning to stay for a while and may not cause any problems. Others are going to wreak havoc on the area and become a really annoying part of the landscape. Stink bugs tend to be a common pest in certain parts of the country, and it’s important to have the facts if you find one, although usually a lot more, on your property.

Hazardous to Plants, Annoying to People

The biggest threat that Stink Bugs in Marlboro NJ pose is damage to plants in the area. They’ve got no problem feasting on some of the shrubs and plants found in a residential area and can be a huge problem for families that are trying to create their own garden. On the bright side, they aren’t harmful to humans. But they can be really annoying, especially if there are lots of them hanging around.

They Really Do Smell

Part of what makes the Stink Bugs in Marlboro NJ annoying is the fact that they do emit an unpleasant smell from their body as a type of defense mechanism. The smell isn’t going to kill anyone, but it isn’t something you want to keep in the air. This creates another problem for homeowners because if they try to kill the stink bugs, there’s going to be a smell.

Prevention is the Best Option

Ideally, homes should try and prevent the stink bug invasion before it becomes a problem. One of the most effective ways of protecting a home is working with a local pest control company. They can come out and take care of the property, even if there are currently no signs of pests anywhere nearby. Why wait for one to show up when it is possible to prevent their entry into the home. It’s also important to keep plants trimmed back away from the house to keep them outside, instead of inviting them into a home to get comfortable. However, if you’ve already realized you’ve got a stink bug problem, Click Here to set up an appointment with pest control specialists to start protecting your home.

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