Home Fire Escape Plans

by | Sep 26, 2018 | Security

Families discuss many things together like vacation plans, automobile purchases, and much more. But one plan families overlook is an emergency escape route in the home. There are many considerations when making and discussing a family plan.

The most important factor of fire safety for home owners is ensuring there are fire detectors with alarms in every bedroom. Many housing codes require this as a minimum. Home fire detectors require maintenance. Your family should schedule a date and time every six months to check the alarm. It’s a good habit for children to learn this too. Proper working fire equipment can be purchased at places like First Alert, Inc.

If you have a two-story home, consider a portable fire escape ladder, especially if there are bedrooms upstairs. A portable fire escape ladder should be placed in a bedroom window for ease of escape. You want to ensure any ladder you use is long enough to reach safely from the window to the ground.

Another important plan to make in case of a fire is the escape route. While everyone in a real emergency will naturally be concerned about one another, it’s important every family member know their path out of the house. Once out of the home, there should be a non-negotiable meeting place. If one person isn’t in the meeting place, firemen will assume someone is inside and put their life at risk for a rescue.

Practice your escape plan including use of the portable fire escape ladder. Ensure every bedroom occupant knows how to unfold and climb the ladder. Practice your escape plan at least twice a year so everyone remembers.

With just a few steps and some time together, every family can rest well knowing in case of a fire emergency, there is a secure escape plan.

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