An Overview of How Bicycle Accidents Happen in Tucson, Arizona

by | Feb 6, 2024 | Legal Service

When an experienced bicycle accident law firm in Tucson, AZ is evaluating whether or not to file an insurance claim, they first have to determine fault. Arizona is an at-fault state. This means that it is possible to hold the individuals who caused the accident financially accountable for any damages you suffered.

One of the primary reasons for bicycle accidents in Arizona is driver error. Drivers cause bicycle accidents because of negligence and recklessness. A common example of driver negligence that a bicycle accident law firm in Tucson, AZ might see includes driving while impaired, driving while speeding, or driving while distracted. Drivers who run the red light or who do not yield the right-of-way are also often responsible for bicycle accidents. In these cases, attorneys will work to gather evidence of driver negligence to use in the injury claim.

Another cause of bicycle accidents is dangerous roads. The condition of the surface area matters when a person is on a bicycle. Potholes, uneven curbs, or other road defects could lead to a bicycle accident. If the city of Tucson had reason to know that there was a dangerous defect in the road, but they did not take steps to repair it, the government might have some liability related to a bicycle accident.

Another factor is bicycle defects. Every year thousands of bicycles get recalled with defects such as weak frames or loose bolts. Bike defects can lead to disastrous accidents if the bike malfunctions while it is in use. In these cases, the manufacturing company might have some liability for damages.

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