Are There Different Types of Female-to-Male Reassignment Surgery?

by | Apr 18, 2023 | Transgender Surgery

Anyone considering going through a gender reassignment should understand everything involved. It’s not usually as simple as undergoing a single female-to-male reassignment surgery. Multiple surgeries may be required to achieve your ultimate result. Here are some types of surgery to be aware of.

Chest Restructure Surgery

Most people transitioning to a male prefers to have chest restructuring surgery. It’s a popular gender reassignment surgery for female-to-male patients since a more masculine chest is desired. The procedure involves removing some breast tissue and other operations to make the chest look more masculine.


A partial or complete hysterectomy is usually desired for people exploring female-to-male reassignment surgery. Your surgeon will remove the uterus in a partial hysterectomy. For a full hysterectomy, they will remove the cervix as well.


A metoidioplasty is the process of a new penis construction. During the surgical procedure, the clitoris will be transformed into a penis, and the vagina will be removed. This procedure can take several hours to complete, and more than one procedure may be required.

Always Work With Qualified Professionals

The surgeon you work with is essential to a positive outcome when considering undergoing major surgical procedures. Ensure you are comfortable with their expertise and qualifications to trust them completely. You will likely be more satisfied with the outcome as a result.

If you’re considering pursuing female-to-male reassignment surgery, visit the International Center for Transgender Care today.

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