Bruxism: Is It Possible You Are Hurting Your Teeth While You Sleep?

by | May 11, 2020 | Dentist

You might be very good at taking care of your teeth; brushing after every meal and flossing regularly. But did you know that you could be hurting your teeth while you sleep? Many people experience bruxism, a condition characterized by teeth grinding and jaw clenching especially at night or in stressful situations. With time, bruxism can cause severe problems in your mouth if left untreated.

What Causes Bruxism?

Stress and anxiety are considered the leading causes of bruxism. It can occur at any time, but it mostly happens at night. In most cases, you might not even realize you are grinding your teeth. Bruxism affects about eight percent of Americans. Besides stress and anxiety, bruxism can occur to individuals with a history of substance abuse, bite and alignment issues and sleep apnea.

Symptoms of Bruxism

An easy way to tell if you experience bruxism is waking up with a tight jaw or a sore mouth. It essential to know that these signs aren’t apparent to every patient with bruxism. Many people grind their molars, which aren’t easy to observe. That’s why you are encouraged to visit a dentist in Gainesville, VA, to help in diagnosing the problem.

Diagnosing and Treating Bruxism

The best way to diagnose bruxism is to mention your symptoms to your dentist during your dental appointment. A dentist in Gainesville, VA, will review the wear patterns in your mouth to determine whether you’ve been hurting your teeth without knowing it. After that, the dentist may prescribe a mouthguard to prevent further damage on your teeth.

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