Common Medical Malpractice Cases

by | May 4, 2015 | Law

Any time a patient is harmed through the actions of a medical professional of any type, he or she may have a medical malpractice claim. Medical care workers are human too, yet they need to take extra precautions to ensure patients are receiving the best care at all times. Not all errors are malpractice either. In order to qualify as malpractice, the medical professional must have been negligent in one or more ways. They either didn’t have the skills or the competencies to treat the patient and this is what lead to the harm. Following are Common Medical Malpractice Cases.

Medication Mistakes

When a doctor prescribes a medication, he or she must ensure the drug will not harm the patient in any way and that he or she receives the appropriate dosage. The doctor may make an error in calculating the dosage or the person dispensing or administering the medication may fail to give the proper amount. Too little of a drug and the patient won’t receive the expected benefits. Too much and it may result in death, depending on the medication prescribed.

A Delayed or Missed Diagnosis

There may be times when a doctor diagnoses a patient incorrectly or fails to provide the correct diagnosis in a timely manner, and both situations constitute malpractice. This may lead to missed treatment opportunities and more. When this type of claim is filed, the patient must prove that this doctor acted in a manner that wasn’t compatible with what others in his or her field would do. If the majority of doctors would make the right diagnosis in a timely manner, the doctor who failed to do so may be held accountable.

Surgical Errors

Very few things are as frightening as undergoing the knife. You may have heard of cases where the wrong body part was removed or a surgical instrument was left in a patient during a surgery. These are just two types of malpractice claims involving surgery. For example, a lack of post-op care qualifies as malpractice also.

These are just a few Common Medical Malpractice Cases. There are numerous others which apply. Speak to an attorney to determine if you have a case against one or more medical professionals. The attorney understands the law and what criteria must be met to successfully win this type of case. He or she can best advise you on what steps to take.

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