Do You Need a Water Softener?

by | Aug 19, 2021 | Water Heater

Hard water comes with minerals that clog your pipes, make it harder for soap to dissolve, and leaves buildup that damages your appliances and fixtures. One way to counter the effects of hard water, though, is to install a water softener. That device works like a filter, removing minerals that cause hardness and damage in your home through ion-exchange.

Signs of Hard Water

If you encounter any of the following signs, that means you have hard water in your pipes. You’ll need to start looking for a company that offers water softener installation in West Bend, WI area, to fix the problem.

  • Are there watermarks in your faucets even after you’ve cleaned them?
  • Is there lime and chalk buildup/home/test/Desktop/Aarti/All client folder/All clients floder/ Article/2021/Aug 2021/14413700_l (copy).jpg on the walls of your showers and sinks?
  • Do the colors of your clothes fade fast? Do your white clothes look dingy?
  • Do your appliances break down faster than they should?
  • Does your skin feel itchy and dry after every shower?
  • Do you find watermark residue on your dishes when they dry?

Buying a Water Softener

When you shop around for a water softener, pay attention to the following factors:

  • Size of your home. Make sure you pick a softener that can handle the volume of water you need for your household.
  • Installation. Do you have old or outdated pipes? Update, fix, or replace them before you install your water softener.
  • Features. What are the features you need for your softener? Consider UV disinfection features since they help you eliminate harmful bacteria or viruses present in the water.
  • Location. Where are you putting the water softener? Is it in the right spot?

Hiring Pros for Installation

Some companies that sell water softeners also provide installation services. While there are manuals and guides, it’s best to hire pros to handle the process. Prevent mistakes by asking an expert to install the device. If you are looking for water softener installation in West Bend, WI, visit Schaefers Soft Water.

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