Facts Concerning Dental Crown In Burbank

by | Jun 21, 2021 | Dentist

Dental crowns in Burbank are strong and resistant, not to mention their strong capacity for endurance. Dentists love this treatment option because it provides the patient with a dental tool that has a long service life.

When should people consider a crown replacement?

In each case, if aesthetics is a priority, it is essential for frontal incisors. The all-ceramic crown does not contain any metal at all. It adapts perfectly to the patient’s aesthetic requirements because its color is the same as that of the natural tooth and it completely covers the surface of the prepared tooth. Although the manufacture of the ceramic crown dates back to the end of the nineteenth century, their use has become a routine treatment in just the last ten years.

Although the well-made ceramic-metallic crowns are truly aesthetic, light cannot pass through the tooth because of the metal frame. On the contrary, without a metal frame, all-ceramic Dental Crown in Burbank are translucent, meaning they are natural in appearance. Aesthetically, these teeth harmonize perfectly with the patient’s natural teeth (even under UV light). The only drawback to not having a metal frame is the fact that the impact resistance is weaker, but this handicap can be compensated with the proper preparation (polishing) of the teeth.

Advantages of ceramic crowns

People who are allergic to metal are great candidates for this procedure because ceramic crowns are devoid of metal. Similar to natural teeth, light can filter through the crown since no metal frame would prevent it from doing so. An aesthetically perfect effect can be achieved, one that is durable and is harmonious. They do not irritate any living tissue, will not cause allergies, and crowns are not toxic.


Because of their rigidity, ceramic crowns are not flexible and can crack or break very easily. They are recommended only for incisors since they are not able to withstand the masticatory force of the molars. For this surface, metal-ceramic crowns are proposed. It is necessary to prepare a new one if it fractures or if a small part breaks off. A dental crown in Burbank is designed to hold its shape and color under extreme situations, but ceramic crowns are not designed to withstand massive forces.

To know more about Dental crowns visit or call Oak Lawn Smiles Family Dentistry today.

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