Find Out More About CD117

by | Mar 29, 2017 | Science And Technology

CD117 is recognized as a protein of 145kDa, identified as c-kit. This is a rabbit polyclonal antibody that won’t interfere with the binding of the SCF to the c-kit. It precipitates the unoccupied and occupied forms of c-kit. The binding can stimulate many biochemical responses that can culminate in migration, survival and cellular proliferation. It also plays a necessary role in gametogenesis, melanogenesis, and hematopoiesis.

It is designed to be used for research and shouldn’t be used as a diagnostic. It has no available clone, and the immunogen is the synthetic peptide from the human cytoplasmic domain c-kit protein. The isotype is the Rabbit IgG with an undetermined epitope. The molecular weight of this antibody is 145kDa.


CD117 is designed to be used with Immunohistochemistry applications. To prepare your specimen, you should use paraffin-embedded or Formalin-fixed tissues that are considered suitable. Deparaffinized slides must be used and can be achieved with graded alcohols and xylene or its alternative.

When using the concentrated format, you should dilute the antibody using a ratio of 1:100. However, you can also find a pre-diluted form, which can make it easier and reduce the steps necessary.

To retrieve the antigen, you will need to boil the tissue sections in a 10mM citrate buffer with a pH of 6.0. Boil for 10 to 20 minutes and then let the concoction cool to room temperature for 20 minutes. Once it has cooled the appropriate amount of time, you should incubate it for 10 minutes, also at room temperature.

The positive control includes the skin, tonsil, or gastrointestinal stromal tumor with cellular localization in the cytoplasm.

CD117 is a cytokine receptor and can be used in a variety of ways to research a variety of human diseases and illnesses. Visit Spring Bioscience to purchase this and other antibodies for research use.

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