Getting Implants Through a Dentist in Eagan MN

by | May 5, 2017 | Dentistry

There is much talk about dental implants, but many patients are still afraid of the procedure. Some think that the treatment time is way too long and the implantation, itself, is painful. A reputable Dentist in Eagan MN can ensure things do not happen this way. Read here some surprising facts about dental implants, which might convince you otherwise.

Pain? No thanks!

The insertion of dental implants is surprisingly not all that painful. It is even perceived to be much less severe than a tooth extraction. Thanks to local anesthesia and, if desired, additional sleep anesthesia, patients do not even feel the procedure. Some dentists even work with hypnosis – local anesthesia is still used, but the procedure is perceived as relaxing and markedly shorter.

Long treatment duration? Not always!

The length of implant placement and subsequent healing time vary from patient to patient. The duration of treatment varies according to whether one or more implants are used. If a bone structure is necessary, the treatment can last longer, or there may be a need for two treatments: one that deals with the bone structure and the other deals with the subsequent implantation. However, if an implant is used before the jaw bone is “broken”, a bone restructure is usually needed. Another possibility is mini-implants. The diameter-reduced, one-piece implants are usually used to anchors prostheses firmly inside the jaw. A bone restructure is usually not necessary for this. Determining on each patient, a Dentist in Eagan MN will decide which route to take.

Too expensive?

A dental implant through Dakota Dental & Implant Center is not cheap, but it is well worth it. This is because of the artificial tooth root’s long durability, something of which speaks for itself: A perfectly placed implant has basically an unlimited durability – provided the patient practices proper oral hygiene. That should be worth a nice, healthy smile. People should be aware that implants cost plenty because they last a long time -; if they are taken care of. Smokers are asked to stop before, during and after the procedure is done. This not only benefits the health of the implant but your overall health as well. For more information, visit the website.

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