How To Care For Your New Sealy Mattress In Metairie, LA

by | Sep 2, 2016 | Shopping

Taking proper care of your new mattress is the best way to ensure that it lasts for as long as possible. If your mattress isn’t cared for properly it can become uncomfortable, foul smelling or downright dangerous, so it’s important to keep your mattress clean and in good condition. Mattresses can be an expensive investment, and once you’ve found the right Sealy mattress for your lifestyle, you may not want to go back to shopping around for mattresses again. Here are a few tips on how to care for your new Sealy mattress in Metairie, LA.

Vacuum Regularly

The best way to ensure that your mattress stays clean, and free of microscopic pests, is to vacuum it on a regular basis. This helps to keep the mattress in good condition, without causing unnecessary wear and tear to the mattress.

Clean Spills Immediately

Never let a spill sit on the mattress of any length of time, if you happen to notice it happening right away. Use a damp cloth to blog up any liquid that has spilled, or to brush crumbs off the bed. Leaving any type of liquid to sit on the mattress can leave it vulnerable to developing mold or mildew, and potentially harming your health.

Never Use Harsh Cleansers

If, for some reason, a stain does form on the mattress, be very careful about how you remove it. Harsh cleaners, such as dry cleaning fluid or other forms of ammonia based cleaning solutions will damage the mattress, ruining the upholstery and are dangerous to inhale if used in an enclosed space. Instead, use a mild soap, such as dishwashing soap or a mild laundry detergent, along with cold water and a damp cloth. Don’t rub the stain aggressively; instead, carefully and gently blot it out of the mattress. This will cause the least amount of lasting damage to your mattress. Mattress Direct will provide you caring tips for your new Sealy mattress in Metairie, LA,

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