How to Detect Bed Bugs in Your Home in Gold Coast, Australia

by | Jun 2, 2022 | pest control

Bedbugs are brownish insects that live off the blood of animals and humans. If you want to get rid of bedbugs, you will need to know how to identify them. Read on to find out 3 signs of bed bugs people can miss.

Fecal Marks

Bed bugs are hard to detect because they are small. These insects are also good at hiding in tiny crevices and cracks. Fecal marks on bed sheets and other surfaces are a sign of bed bugs. They are small dark marks that look like ink dots.

Know-How to Detect Eggs

After mating, female bed bugs lay eggs in different spots around your home. An egg is a tiny pinhead-sized, white oval shape that looks like a grain of rice. It is visible to the naked eye, but you must know what you are looking for to detect bed bug eggs. If you do not get bed bugs treatment at Gold Coast, then the bugs can multiply because the female bed bug can lay up to five eggs a day.

Unexplained Blood Stains

Some people may not notice when a bed bug is feeding on them. If you move suddenly, then you can crush the bug. This movement causes some blood to leak out and creates a red or rust-colored stain. If you have multiple bites, you can get an infection and need to see a doctor. You also need to get bed bugs treatment at Gold Coast for your home.

The 3 signs of bed bugs people can miss are easy to go unnoticed when living a busy lifestyle. Contact Flick Pest Control Gold Coast to thoroughly remove the critters from your home.

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