How to Know if Carpenter Bee Removal in Pittsburgh is Needed

by | Oct 23, 2019 | pest control

Carpenter bees are most well known for boring holes in wood, which is one of the factors that attributed to their name. This type of bee hibernates during the winter months in tunnels and emerges when the weather gets warm. These bees remain solitary and may sting if disturbed.

However, it’s not always easy to tell if carpenter bees are the problem or if Carpenter Bee Removal in Pittsburgh is needed. Some signs the professionals should be called are found here.

Identifying Carpenter Bees

Carpenter bees look a lot like bumble bees. They can range in size from approximately 0.25 to one inch long and re either black or yellow, but they may not have stripes. The bees have robust bodies, antennae, and six legs. Unlike the traditional bumble bee, carpenter bees don’t have hair present in their abdomen.

Signs of Carpenter Bee Problems

One of the most obvious signs that a homeowner is dealing with a carpenter bee issue is if there are holes are bored in the wood around the home’s exterior. There may be sawdust on the ground under the bored hole. In the entrance of the hole, there may be a yellowing that is caused by a combination of excrement and bee pollen.

Male bees may also buzz around aggressively close to the entrance of their nests and are often seen hovering in people’s faces. If a homeowner notices the signs of a carpenter bee infestation, it is a good idea to call the professionals for Carpenter Bee Removal in Pittsburgh.

The Dangers of Carpenter Bees

The main danger of carpenter bees is the possibility of structural damage to the home. If they aren’t treated, they can result in significant damage to the wood structure of the home. The bees don’t eat the wood, but they use it to make their nests.

When it come to carpenter bees, finding and addressing a problem in a timely manner is a must. Those who are interested can also contact The-Beeman or visit the website to learn more. Being informed is the best way to ensure that a carpenter bee problem is found and handled.

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