Is A Car Accident Lawyer Necessary For A Minnesota Vehicle Wreck?

by | Mar 11, 2019 | Law

There are hundreds of car accidents across the state of Minnesota on any given day. The vast majority of these accidents are often considered to be the minor fender-bender types of accidents, and some may not result in anything but slight cosmetic damage to the vehicle.

On the other hand, there are also significant and serious accidents that happen on a daily basis. It is this category of accidents that are most likely to require the assistance and legal representation of a car accident lawyer.

There are two specific times when having a car accident lawyer involved early in the claims is essential. These include significant injury or death in the accident, as well as extensive property damage. However, even cases with minor injuries, having a car accident attorney to represent your interests may be a very wise choice.

Serious Car Accidents

Insurance companies have adjusters and their own legal experts involved in any type of claim. These professionals work for the insurance company, which is a company that is in the market to make a profit.

In cases of serious injury, death or significant property damage, the insurance company adjusters and lawyers attempt to make a low offer of settlement. These offers may cover the current medical expenses, but they do not consider future medical costs, loss of income earning ability, pain and suffering and other types of damages.

Without a car accident lawyer on your side, some of these “low offers” may seem like a reasonable amount, particularly if bills are mounting up and financial issues are becoming problematic. However, should you accept these offers, it becomes extremely difficult to impossible to make another claim, which often leaves people in Minnesota with future bills to struggle to pay.

Working with an attorney specializing in this area of the law allows you to see the big picture and to understand the future considerations in accepting a settlement offer.

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