Janitorial Supplies: Handling Those Dirty Areas In Your Restaurant

by | Sep 14, 2015 | Restaurants

Restaurants do not operate without everyone and everything getting a little dirty. This is just the way it is. That is why you can purchase janitorial supplies in bulk online or from retail stores. The right products are available to help you and your staff ensure the health code is followed by keeping the entire facility clean.

Top Areas that Require Cleaning

Research and common sense indicate that some areas in your restaurant will require janitorial supplies and cleaning more than others will. The top four on the list are:

  • Floors: These see the most traffic. Depending upon the type of floor surface you have, the amount of cleaning required may be minimal or major. Carpets provide the biggest challenge, while tiles or a vinyl covered floors are the easiest to clean. This is particularly true if the floor has been properly finished. This means it can be cleaned with minimal effort and time.

  • Tables: Tables are always wiped and/or have their tablecloths replaced regularly. Some table surfaces are readily cleaned. Others require more intensive care. All tables need to be sanitized with specialized cleaning items in addition to being wiped cleaned.

  • Bathrooms: Bathrooms sometimes present a challenge for restaurants. They require sufficient care to keep them clean, safe and smelling fresh. Sponges, cleaning rags, toilet bowl brushes, bin liners and air sanitizers or fresheners are all part of the necessary janitorial supplies required to keep them sanitary.

  • Kitchen: Patrons do not often get to see the state of the kitchen. Yet, it is very important that all areas been kept spotless. This means degreasers, cleaners and cleaning rags. Garbage bin liners are also necessary janitorial supplies for any commercial kitchen.

Specific Demands of Janitorial Supplies

While many types of cleaners and cleaning supplies are available, it is important that all janitorial supplies are suited to perform their tough tasks in a kitchen environment. The items are used in areas where food is prepared and served. For that reason, it is essential that they be formulated specifically for application in a kitchen or restaurant environment.

As a result, you must choose only those products that are completely food safe. This often means opting for cleaning products that are also environmentally friendly. This ensures that everyone, from the patrons in the dining room to dishwashers are safe from toxic chemicals. There are potentially dangerous side effects that may from a component of the wrong type of janitorial supplies.


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