Leave Behind Harmful Toxins When You Vape

by | Aug 21, 2015 | Electronics and Electrical

Vaping is becoming an increasingly popular way for people to inhale oil and wax concentrates of cannabis. Toxins that come from smoking are emitted during the combustion and burning method. A vaped vaporizer pen will produce a more pure vapor for the user to inhale. Not only will you inhale healthier marijuana active ingredients you will also be able to do it discreetly. A pen works similar to an electronic cigarette except you will be able to place dry herbs, wax, or oil inside of the device. These devices vary in sizes so you can easily take them with you wherever you may go.

How a Vape Pen Works

A pen has a heating component that will slowly heat up the oil or wax just before combustion. Instead of creating smoke the user will experience a vapor that produces the herb in its purest form. The batteries that are used to heat up the coil have a safety feature that will shut off after pressing the button for several seconds at a time. This feature prevents the coil from overheating and igniting the concentrated oil or wax. By not burning the product you do not inhale unwanted residue into your lungs.

The Advantages of Using a Pen

One of the greatest benefits of using a vapor pen is the health benefit the users receive. With no nasty toxins to be inhaled the chances of becoming sick from vaping is lessened. These devices are often confused as an e-cig so other people do not know what you are vaping on. Since there is no smoke produced, the vapor is almost odorless and you are not exposing people around you to smoke. Enjoy the freedom of being able to use this device almost anywhere you go.

Find the Right Pen for You

Since all vaporizers differ it comes down to personal preference, what you are burning, and how much you want to spend when selecting the unit you want to use. Speak with an expert from a vapor retail shop that can help you determine the right device for you. A company will provide you with a quality product that will suit your vaping needs. They can also tell you which vaporizers will not work with dry herbs and which ones are best for wax concentrations. You may even find a pen with interchangeable chambers so you can switch back and forth from dry to oil concentration.

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