Own an Old Home: Top 4 Plumbing Problems That Come with Older Homes

by | Aug 7, 2019 | Plumbing

Older homes have an exquisite sense of character that most modern homes lack. However, you should look beyond the surface if you are planning to buy an old house. Failure to learn about the plumbing system of an old house could result in costly repairs or sometimes replacements. If you own an older home, you ought to understand some plumbing problems that they are prone to so that you can take action. These are some of the plumbing issues your older home is likely to face.

Failing Pipes

Older homes have plumbing pipes that were installed decades or years ago. Therefore, they have most likely reached the end of their lifespan. Besides age, you also need to know the kind of plumbing pipes that were installed. Usually, old homes have plumbing components like pipes that are no longer up-to-date. If your old house has galvanized and polybutylene pipes, you ought to hire a plumber in Moncton, NB, to replace them.

Drain Stoppages

Foundations shift over time. Consequently, pipes in old homes change shape. The movement causes pipe bellies, which affects the ability of pipes to drain. Water, sediment, and debris get trapped in the pipe bellies, which causes clogged drains.

Faulty Gas Lines

Broken gas lines are among the most overlooked plumbing concerns in old homes. The gas line pipes were most likely installed several years ago. As such, they have probably been damaged due to earth shifting and poor soil conditions. You need to call a plumber in Moncton, NB, to repair the gas lines or replace them based on their situation.

These are some of the plumbing problems you are likely to face if you own or plan to buy an old house. You should inspect the home often to avoid plumbing catastrophes. Talk to an experienced plumber to assist you with all your plumbing repair or replacement needs.

For more information visit Advanced Plumbing And Heating Services Ltd.

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