Pool Water And Using a Pool Heater Service in Punta Gorda, FL

by | Sep 20, 2019 | Air Conditioning

A Pool Heater Service in Punta Gorda FL can help get a pool owner’s water comfortable after the heater has problems. Some people just don’t like their pool water to be cold. A pool owner should learn how to troubleshoot their heater and about other ways to keep the pool’s water warm.

A Solar Pool Cover

A pool owner who values warmer pool water should invest in a solar cover for the pool. With the help of a solar cover, a pool owner won’t have to run the pool heater as long they otherwise would. Using a solar cover will also help with the pool’s chemicals and keep the pool cleaner. A cleaner pool will have fewer problems with its filter. A visit to can help with pool heater problems and makes arranging for Pool Heater Service in Punta Gorda FL easy.

Heater Problems

When a pool’s heater doesn’t work, it helps if the owner knows how to troubleshoot the problem. A gas pool heater will rely on a pilot light. If the light isn’t ignited, the heater won’t work. The temperature of the thermostat should be set higher than that of the water so that the heater turns on. If the pilot light doesn’t ignite or keeps going out, a contractor should be called. Working with gas heaters can be dangerous and should be left to professionals.

Issues With Water Flow

A heater could have problems with water flow. A water heater that is experiencing problems with water flow might not turn on. Since a water heater has sensors, something as simple as a malfunctioning sensor can cause a heater to not work. If the sensor isn’t the problem, other parts of the pool should be checked. The pool’s filter could be dirty. A clogged filter will impede water flow in the pool. The pool’s pump basket might also have to be cleaned.

A pool owner who wants warmer pool water might need a pool heater. While a solar cover does work to heat water, it doesn’t provide enough of a boost for some people. A solar cover will keep the water closer to the surface warmer. A pool heater will provide a more consistent temperature for the water. You can also follow them on Twitter for more information.

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