Presenting A Claim To A Social Security Attorney In Chicago

by | Aug 30, 2013 | Law

A Social security attorney in Chicago enables disabled individuals, who were denied disability benefits by the SSA, to file an effective claim for disability benefits. In these cases, it takes a lawyer with vast knowledge of the claim’s process. This includes comprehension of all documenatation that the SSA requires for an applicant to prove eligibility. With this understanding, an attorney can prepare a case that is conducive to the client’s disability claim.

The Validity of Your Disability

In most, cases it is justified to assume that a long-term physical disability has substantial evidence, which will provide validity that it prevents an applicant from working. A doctor typically provides treatment for this form of disability and can easily produce vast volumes of medical records to back up a disability claim. These medical records can prove a disability based on range of motion and whether the applicant can perform in a given workplace effectively. However, this is not always the case in terms of mental disabilities, as they require further evaluations.

Mental Disabilities

The SSA schedules appointments for each applicant to determine that a disability exists. In terms of a mental disorder, a doctor who does not treat patients with such a disorder cannot determine how the illness affects each patient. What occurs during the claim’s process is that an unfamiliar doctor attempts to prove that the applicant is capable of supporting him or herself without understanding the illness. When this occurs, the SSA denies benefits based on inconclusive statements made by these doctors.

Local Law Office

Howard Ankin is a social security attorney that understands the claim’s process. He can assist you in preparing an effective case for your social security claim. If you require legal representation, you may schedule a consultation with Mr. Ankin to determine how to proceed with your case.


Your preferred social security attorney will prepare a strong case for your claim. He or she will establish whether you need additional evidence to justify your claim for benefits. This justification must include the most effective proof that shows that your disability warrants social security benefits. It must also show that the SSA’s denial of benefits was unfair.

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