Preventing and Controlling Gum Disease with the Help of a Family Dentist in California MD

by | Jul 20, 2017 | Dentist, Dentistry

Visiting a family dentist in California MD is a preventive key to awesome oral health. This health professional does not just check to ensure the patient’s teeth are not decayed. He or she will evaluate the condition of the patient’s teeth and gums but will ensure that the patient is performing daily hygiene at home.


Dentists, like every other medical professional, will recommend that their patients not smoke. However, they will also stress the importance of eating in a healthy and varied way. Moreover, they will regularly perform a dental descaling.

Depending on the patient, scaling will vary between 3 months and 1 year. What is scaling? This is necessary to remove hardened scale that brushing can no longer remove.

Two scaling methods are currently used, and ultrasound is the more predominantly used of the two. Almost painless, this technique is used by a family dentist in California MD by gently rubbing each tooth with an instrument that vibrates at a very high frequency, associated with a jet of water. The tartar is peeled off and eliminated.

The second method often supplements ultrasound and consists in using different instruments called periodontal curettes. This works with a “scratching” action. Visit for more details on these two options.

Gum disease

The need for proper oral hygiene is self-evident, meaning the preventive actions of periodontal diseases are simple, inexpensive, and very effective. There is no need to hesitate, so have your teeth and gums checked regularly and adopt an irreproachable dental hygiene. To avoid having to undergo complex and painful treatments:

1. Brush your teeth at least twice a day (morning and evening) for 3 minutes

2. Rotate and place your toothbrush so that the plaque is removed from the edge of the gums (at a 45 angle)

3. Use interdental brushes

4. Finish up by using dental floss to clean the spaces between the teeth

Periodontal diseases include periodontitis and gingivitis. From loosening teeth to painful gums, they affect nearly 80% of adults. That said, proper dental hygiene consists of brushing twice a day for at least three minutes. It is also recommended to use a soft toothbrush (not to hurt the gums further).

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