Restore Your Smile With Dental Veneers

by | Dec 21, 2016 | Dentist

Regardless of how well you look after your teeth, time has a way of taking its toll. Age and use will often result in minute cracks, chips on the biting edges and staining. Dentists in Old Town Chicago have a viable solution.

Over the past few years more and more dentists have been offering their patients cosmetic services as well as remedial procedures, as a result patients now know that problems that have a detrimental impact on their appearance can now be corrected. An increasingly common cosmetic procedure is fitting dental veneers.

What are dental veneers?

Dental veneers are thin shells made from either porcelain or acrylic; they are made to fit precisely on the front of teeth that have been previously prepared. Once dentists in Old Town Chicago have fit them they appear to be beautiful enamel like surfaces, covering all minor imperfections.

Who can have dental veneers?

This is a question that can only be answered by your dentist. If your teeth are badly stained, chipped or have minute surface imperfections then chances are you are a good candidate.

As well as having certain imperfections that can be corrected with veneers you also need to practice good oral hygiene. Dental veneers cover your teeth, they are not intended to be a replacement for good dental habits such as twice a day brushing and flossing.

The best solution for beautiful teeth:

Although dental veneers are very thin they are also very durable, with care and attention they will last for many years. You will have to schedule multiple appointments with your dentists in Old Town Chicago as surface preparation has to be done prior to taking impressions that are used to produce the shells.

Once your dentist has completed the task you will wonder why it took you so long to whiten and brighten your smile.

If you are unhappy with your smile, so much so that you cover your face with your hand; dentists in Old Town Chicago can help. To discuss what procedures are available to improve your looks and confidence you are invited to make an appointment with Dr. Peter Tomaselli at Chicago Smile Design.

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