The Difference Between OEM And Aftermarket Car Parts

by | Apr 28, 2022 | Car Dealership

No matter what make or model of car you drive, you will eventually need to replace some components in the vehicle. With any type of vehicle, it is possible to choose a variety of replacement parts. Drivers of performance and luxury vehicles in the Philadelphia area need to be aware of the difference between OEM and aftermarket car parts.

What Aftermarket Parts?

Aftermarket parts for vehicles are made by third-party manufacturers. These parts are designed to fit a number of different vehicles. In most cases, this means that the part is not a perfect fit for any vehicle. Instead, it is compatible with a range of different vehicles of the same type and class.
With luxury and performance vehicles choosing aftermarket parts may save a few dollars, but it can also result in wear and tear on other components in the vehicle. The slight differences in design and size can cause significant additional problems within a given system.

What are OEM Car Parts?

OEM stands for original equipment manufacturer. In other words, the vehicle manufacturer has also made the part or component. These types of car parts are perfectly engineered and produced to fit a specific make and model of vehicle. As they are made by the manufacturer, they integrate easily and do not create the slight differences that cause wear and tear on the vehicle with aftermarket parts.

While OEM car parts Philadelphia are slightly more expensive, they are the ideal solution. The best place to purchase these parts is directly from the Philadelphia dealership service department. Getting your vehicle serviced or repaired at the dealership also ensures that OEM parts are used in any repairs.

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