Three Strategies to Make Your Brakes Last As Longer In Columbia MO

by | Mar 27, 2020 | Auto Repair

Your automobile’s brakes are one of its most important safety features, potentially creating a major disaster is they suddenly stop working while you are in transit. Any set of brake pads and rotors is going to need to be replaced eventually, especially if you plan to own the car for a long time. Avoid seeking out auto brake repair service in Columbia, MO, before you have to by using these tips to make your brakes last as long as possible.


You don’t always need to have the gas pedal down while you are driving. Try to coast when you can or just keep an eye on your speed in general. The faster you are going, the harder it is on the brake system when you go to stop. Try to approach stop signs and red lights at a slower speed from now on and your brakes pads and rotors will thank you for it.

Check the Trunk

Have you had a bunch of athletic gear, luggage, or other heavy items in your trunk for a long time? All of these things add extra weight to the vehicle that takes its toll on the brake system over time. Don’t drive around with anything in your car that you don’t need.


Just as important as the pads and rotors is the brake fluid. Be sure to flush and replace the brake fluid consistently to keep the system functioning at maximum efficiency at all times. If you don’t know how to do this, you can use an auto brake repair service in Columbia, MO, to help. If your brakes do need service, give Dents Unlimited a call to for more information.

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