Tips to Hiring Drunk Driving Defense in Lawyers Allen County IN

by | Nov 21, 2016 | Lawyers

The charges associated with drunk driving belong to a fairly technical area of the judicial system. People who are charged with a DWI or DUI need drunk driving defense lawyers in Allen County IN who have a solid reputation for successfully defending their clients. A fantastic attorney can be the difference between being imprisoned or going home; or the difference between paying a high or low fine. Although no one can guarantee results, it is best to find a lawyer that will put all their resources at your disposal. Defending and protecting a person’s legal rights should be the most important goal of any lawyer.

After a person is arrested for driving while intoxicated, he or she has a certain amount of time to request a hearing with the DMV. Failure to do so will result in the defendant’s driver ‘s license being suspended. As an added benefit, requesting a DMV hearing gives the lawyer an opportunity to obtain copies of police and results of any type of breathalyzer test (if there was any). It is currently illegal to operate a motor vehicle when a person has an alcohol concentration of 0.08 grams or more per 210 liters of breath. The device most used for measuring the breath of people who are suspected of driving intoxicated is called a breathalyzer.

Many people oppose the use of this machine because they do not consider it a valid way of measuring their intoxication level. Several drunk driving defense lawyers in Allen County IN agree that this machine has a margin of error of 0.005 grams. Additionally, the level of alcohol in the blood of a normal person can vary by 0.02 grams per hour. With that said, and in many cases, a driver can get a result that exceeds the legal limits, when in fact, the result could have been up to 0.025 grams lower when they were driving. These tests indicate the alcohol level at the right time of the test, which means most people have time to sober up or for the level to increase. although the ministry tried to extrapolate the test results to the time the person was driving. Results of more than 0.08 are not indicative that you are guilty, though. Browse our website to learn more.

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