Treatment for Fractures and Soft Tissue Injuries at an Auto Accident Clinic

by | Jul 23, 2020 | Healthcare

After being injured in a car collision, a person may benefit from a combination of medical care from a family practice doctor and treatment by a physical therapist. An auto accident clinic in Ocala provides this type of healthcare, focusing on patients who are recovering from a serious vehicle crash. These accidents commonly cause fractured bones, whiplash, back strain, muscle tears, and other injuries that require time to heal.

Common Types of Injuries

Fractures of the legs and arms are frequent in serious collisions, especially if the person was not wearing a safety belt. Many individuals also suffer sprained knee or elbow ligaments, or shoulder injuries. Whiplash, which is a muscle strain in the neck, is a common result of rear-end collisions.

The Healing Process

The type and severity of these injuries partly determine how long healing will take. The quality of care the patient pursues and receives also is a key factor. Receiving physical therapy at an auto accident clinic in Ocala and following the therapist’s instructions for home exercises can be essential for speeding healing.

The doctor and therapist will want the patient to eat a nutritious, healthy diet and to get adequate sleep. Avoiding stress as much as possible can reduce pain, enhance sleep, and encourage the body’s natural healing abilities. The therapist can inform the patient about behaviors that should be avoided for now. It’s essential not to do activities that could aggravate the injury. For instance, the individual may need to avoid heavy lifting, intensive yard work, or certain athletic activities.

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