Understanding the Basics of Car Insurance in Edmonton

by | Jul 4, 2019 | Insurance

Most drivers know they need to have car insurance in order to legally drive their vehicles, but there are many new drivers who may not understand all of the ins and outs of car insurance in Edmonton. This post is meant to help fill in the gaps and provide an overview of car insurance and why it’s something all drivers must have.

Stay Safe With Car Insurance in Edmonton

The ultimate goal of car insurance of any kind is to protect you and other drivers and passengers in the event of an auto accident. From a small fender bender to a major accident, car insurance is meant to help cover the cost of car repairs and medical care needed because of an auto accident. The better your insurance policy is, the better your coverage and the more you can get from the insurance company to repair or replace your vehicle and cover any medical care you may need.

What Can Affect the Cost of Car Insurance

There are a number of factors that can have an impact on how much your insurance policy costs. The most common factors to consider when looking for car insurance in Edmonton are:

  • The amount of coverage you get – the more you want the insurance to pay, the more it costs
  • Your driving record – if you have a lot of accidents or tickets, your insurance will likely cost more
  • How old you are – new drivers who are young and older senior drivers often pay more for insurance
  • The kind of vehicle – sports cars and SUVs often cost more to insure than a sedan or compact car
  • New versus used – in most cases, you pay more to insure a car you are still making payments on
  • Where you live – some areas of the country have higher insurance costs and fees to consider
  • Payment set up – you pay more each year if you pay monthly, rather than all at once each year

Contact Direct Line Insurance today to learn more about car insurance in Edmonton.

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