Varicose Veins and their Treatment

by | Aug 9, 2013 | Uncategorized

Vein treatment in Cincinnati OH has come a long way since the days of open surgery. Prior to the advent of modern and safer treatments, most doctors had to use the open surgery method to repair the structure of the vein.
Varicose veins are a painful condition caused, largely, by standing for many hours of the day without moving around enough to allow for good blood flow. Each vein has a leaflet valve, which, if it becomes varicose, prevents the blood from flowing in the proper direction. Contrary to the flow, the blood then changes direction and pools into the vein where the leaflet valve is damaged, causing it to swell. This is the most visible sign you may have seen on the legs of people who have varicose veins. The legs become bobbly as the veins expand. Because the legs muscles are responsible for pumping the blood back around toward the heart, this causes tremendous discomfort in the person with the varicose veins because the blood is flowing backward causing the swelling to increase.

Options for Helping

While there are many non-surgical materials to help control the swelling in varicose veins, they will not repair themselves. Therefore, any attempt at easing the discomfort using surgical or elastic stockings, leg elevation or exercise will only help to ease it temporarily. However, regular exercise of the legs will certainly help to slow down the return of the varicose veins, should they disappear for a while with the stockings.

Anderson Cosmetic & Vein Institute offers the latest method for curing varicose veins now includes a simple in-house treatment known as endovenous laser treatment—ELT—which is a safe and minimally invasive technique to repair the vein. ELT is ultrasound guided and uses an optical fiber, which is inserted into the vein being treated. A laser light—usually infrared—is then shone into the vein, causing it to immediately contract. This method is generally conducted under local anesthetic and will take but a short amount of time. The surgery is perfectly safe and there should be no after effects or pain, except for some aching while the vein settles back down again.

Finding the right surgeon to complete this kind of therapy is vital. You must always use a reputable surgeon who knows exactly what they are doing. Ask questions, get recommendations and always do your research.

To find the safest vein treatment in Cincinnati OH get in touch with Anderson Cosmetic for a list of prices and the services they offer.

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