What Patients Should And Shouldn’t Do Before Visiting A Foot Specialist in Morristown NJ

by | Apr 17, 2015 | Health

Many people don’t realize just how much they depend on their feet. When a person’s feet are injured or in pain it’s nearly impossible for them to get around as they normally would. A person should never neglect the condition of their feet. The best way to care for feet is to visit a Foot Specialist in Morristown NJ a few times a year. The following are a few things patients should and shouldn’t do before seeing a podiatrist.

Patients have a tendency for wanting their legs and feet to look presentable for their doctors. There’s no need for a patient to dress up their feet before a scheduled appointment. An experienced podiatrist has likely seen thousands of feet in a range of conditions.

Dressing up your legs and feet could actually cause unforeseen problems. For instance, hair growing on the legs is a sign that the blood throughout the body is flowing as it should. On the other hand, hairless legs could be a sign of diabetes. As you can see, shaving one’s legs before a doctor’s visit could make successfully diagnosing that person very difficult.

A patient should also think twice about getting a pedicure to make their toenails look presentable. For starters, many beauty shops don’t take the proper steps in order to fully protect their clients from viral infections. A new pedicure before seeing a Foot Specialist in Morristown NJ could lead to an unnecessary viral infection. Also, a sample of an infected nail is usually needed for testing. However, a sample will be a lot harder to retrieve after toenails have been trimmed and painted.

Patients should note the condition of their feet leading up to their appointment. For instance, pay attention to your feet if they’re swelling or feeling numb. Take note of any unexplained markings or discoloration along the legs, ankles and feet. A podiatrist will find all of this information very useful.

Lastly, patients should make sure that they inform their doctors about all foot-related problems they’ve been experiencing.

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