When is it Time to Call Window Replacement Contractors Des Moines, IA?

by | Oct 22, 2019 | Uncategorized

Even though homeowners look through them each day, it is easy to overlook the condition of the home’s windows -; even when they are screaming that they need attention. The good news is, it is easy to tell when it is time to call for window replacement contractors Des Moines, IA. Keep reading to get to know some of the signs it is time to make this investment here.

Increased Cooling and Heating Costs

If a home has older windows, especially those with a single pane, the possibility of heated and cooled air escaping through them. This is going to result in higher electricity costs through the year. Single pane and old, worn out double pane windows are very likely to develop leaks at some point.

Replacing these windows with new, more efficient windows is a good idea. Call the professional window replacement contractors Des Moines, IA right away to schedule the placement of new windows.


If a person feels a breeze when they are standing by the window, then it may mean there is a serious leak present. This can be verified by standing near the window with a candle. Also, shine a flashlight at the frame when it is dark and have someone stand on the other side to see if they can see the light through the frame. If so, it is time to invest in a replacement.

Issues Opening or Closing the Windows

Is it hard to get the windows to open or do they have to be propped to remain open? If a person is struggling to open or shut a window, it is time to invest in a replacement. Older wood windows are particularly known for this.

Fog Present Between the Double Pane Windows

If there is condensation or fog between the panes of glass, then it is an indication of seal failure. When this happens, moisture invades the space between the panes of glass. When it is extremely cold outside, there may even be frost or ice building up on the inside of the panes. Higher quality windows may be able to be repaired, but sometimes, replacement is the only viable option.

More information about window replacement and when it is needed can be found by contacting the team at HomeWorx Remodeling & Handyman or by taking the time to Browse the website.

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